Small but Great

Small but Great

Thursday, December 13, 2012

“Let it Snow Baby, Let it Reindeer”

Merry Christmas (almost)!!

‘Tis The Season! I LOVE Christmas time for several reasons. I LOVE presents (totally my love language). I LOVE having time off school (although this is one of the last Christmas breaks I will have… I have to be an adult soon with a real job… boo). I LOVE family and spending time with them. I LOVE Christmas music of all kinds (I love the classics, I love the cheesy pop versions, I love Christmas music that you can worship to, I love instrumental… I think you get it). And most importantly I LOVE what this time of year stands for.

Our savior was born… 

Last year God really opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus was born… to human parents… in a human way. I know it may seem simple, but if you really take time to think about it… man is it amazing. 

This “revelation” experience started a few years ago when I heard the song “I Celebrate The Day” by Reliant K (which is my absolute favorite Christmas song). Please take this time to listen to this song…  

Ok ok ok… So the song says “the first time that you opened your eyes did you realize that you would be my savior”. Mind. Blown. But after dwelling on this concept I have come to realization that no, this tiny infant was no different than you or I. Jesus had to hear his calling, he had to walk in the spirit, he had to fight temptation, AND mere humans raised him. STOP IT.

Can you imagine Mary and Joseph… oh hey, I just gave BIRTH to the savior of the world #NBD. The thought of humans (like you and I) having the responsibility of raising Jesus makes me seriously tear up. Like, how awesome and terrifying at the same time. I can’t imagine what that responsibility would feel like. But, God knew whom to call and he knew that they would raise HIS SON in a way that he would hear his calling, and walk in the spirit, and fight temptation, and save the world. But it started in a manger, with humans holding a very small, fragile, newborn baby with all the potential in the world. Wow. Justin Rizzo wrote a song called “Incarnation Song” and it is about this very thing (my second favorite Christmas song). I couldn't find this song anywhere on the interent to put in this blog. BUT you can buy it on iTunes and I strongly suggest that... Here is the chorus (the words in the whole song are extremely touching, but this part particularly):

“Your lying there so helpless, your lying there dependent, your lying there your unable to stand on your own. You’re unable to do anything at all. You are Lord, God made flesh. King of glory coming, crowned in lowliness. Christ is born, come to earth. God from everlasting was born a virgin birth”.

It’s EXTREMELY powerful. I think we see the powerful side of Jesus a lot (and I LOVE that part of Jesus, I’m all for justice and righteousness and miracles and all that cool stuff) but it really touches my heart to think that he was once fragile and couldn’t even speak… I think it helps us (at least me) to see the extreme human side of Jesus. It just makes it that much more real what he really did for us. Praise the Lord!

“I celebrate the day that you were born to die so someday I might pray for you to save my life… pray for you to save my life”.

Merry Christmas everyone! Dwell on this thought and be blessed this year! 

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