Small but Great

Small but Great

Monday, February 13, 2012

Seriously though, do I have time for this?

Alright, heres the deal. Im being very vulnerable right now and quite frankly it makes me a little uncomfortable. I've wanted to start a blog for a while now but have been rather intimidated. After several deeply considered attempts, followed by backing out, I have finally decided to pull up my big girl panties and take a leap. You never grow without first becoming uncomfortable. So here. we. go. (Im cringing as a write this).

I feel like I am an inspirational, creative, sporadic kind of person. Perfect for blogging right? Hopefully. Ok but seriously, I am a creative person and I have been searching for a good outlet. So here we go, what am I going to write about in this time that I don't have you may wonder? Well... I have no idea but I'll try to give you a rough outline.

I love Jesus with all my heart, He is my inspiration and will be for most of my posts. I also love Micah John. He is a full time law student and full time child, the two make an interesting pair that I know as my husband. He will provide some interesting topics to discuss as well. I also am a full time student, wife, employee, and friend. My life is full of hilarious times, tough times, and not enough time. I plan to begin to document all of these cherished times in this little blog.

I can't wait to start this step of faith. (eeeek... I feel like I'm signing the yearbook of someone really important or something...).


  1. So proud of you for taking a step of faith into what are your perfect gifts...and that's just being you. Love you so much! Your other mother, Julie P

  2. I love this! I'm excited to read it, and get to know you better in the process.
